Rocky Mountain Forensics LLC
Classroom Training
Rocky Mountain Forensics offers numerous in person classroom training courses. These courses combine lecture and hands on exercises that reenforce what the students have learned. Hands on activities are at the core of every in person course offered. The best way to learn is by doing.
Any classroom training course can be hosted by your organization. Hosting agencies receive exclusive benefits. A minimum enrollment is required. Customizable training is also available to meet the specific crime scene training needs of your agency. Please contact us for more information.
All courses include either physical or digital courseware and various forms, checklists and field guides.
Registration is restricted to sworn and civilian members of federal, state and local government agencies. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Some of these courses can be offered as instructor led remote training over the internet.
Refer to the Calendar Page for scheduled courses
Crime Scene Investigation Level 1
Skill Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Hours: 40
Description: This forty hour basic crime scene investigation course combines lecture and practical exercises to provide the Crime Scene Investigator with the knowledge and skills necessary to process basic crimes scenes effectively. This should be the first training a Crime Scene Investigator is assigned to be able to identify, document, collect and preserve items of evidentiary value. They will learn how to systematically and methodically process and document crime scenes for fingerprints, DNA and biological evidence, impression/toolmark and trace evidence. Other topics include: safety, process methodology, scene security, CSI equipment, sketching/diagraming, photography, legal considerations, evidence packaging and chain of custody.
This training culminates with the students processing staged crime scenes and presenting their work to their peers. It is recommended the student take Crime Scene Investigation Level 2 as their next training course.
Crime Scene Investigation Level 2
Skill Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Crime Scene Investigation Level 1
Hours: 40
Description: This forty hour crime scene investigation course combines lecture and practical exercises that builds and expands on the skills and knowledge the students learned in the Crime Scene Investigation Level 1 course.
Students expand their photography skills by learning about and practicing several new methods/types of photography to include: laser trajectory, fluorescence, painting with light, multiple flash, photographing in the rain and snow as well as low light and no light photography.
Basic shooting documentation is covered that includes the process methodology of a shooting scene, evidence types and considerations, what to photograph and a brief introduction to shooting reconstruction. This topic also serves as the introduction to other shooting courses such as Shooting Reconstruction 1 and Officer Involved Shootings.
Other topics also include: metal detector use, chemical fingerprint processing techniques, fluorescent fingerprint powders, fingerprinting difficult surfaces, basic fire scene documentation and death investigation methodologies.
Basic Crime Scene Investigation Review
Skill Level: Basic
Prerequisites: Crime Scene Investigation Level 1
Hours: 16
Description: Many Crime Scene Investigators do not have the opportunity of attending regular training throughout the year, and some may not have the case load to stay proficient in the skills that are required to document and process crime scenes.These skills are perishable if not used on a regular basis.This two day course provides refresher training in the following areas:crime scene photography, fingerprinting, evidence packaging and DNA &
trace evidence documentation and collection. This course is not intended to replace Crime Scene Investigation 1. Students should have already attended a forty hour basic crime scene investigation course.
Crime Scene Photography Level 2
Skill Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Crime Scene Investigation Level 1
Hours: 16
Description: This two day course expands on the student’s basic photography skills acquired from the Crime Scene Investigation Level 1 course and adds additional camera manipulation skills and practical exercises that cover topics such as: painting with light, multi-flash photography, laser trajectory photography, additional camera equipment familiarization, additional ambient light and flash photography practice, fluorescent photography, macro photography among other skills. Because this is not an introductory photography course, students need to have completed Crime Scene Investigation Level 1 or an equivalent course.
Fingerprinting Level 2
Skill Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Crime Scene Investigation Level 1
Hours: 16
Description: This two day course builds on the knowledge the students learned in the Crime Scene Investigation Level 1 course by discussing how to give the crime lab the best product possible for them to make identifications and eliminations. This includes learning how fingerprints are formed, knowing the different levels of detail the lab looks at, evaluating the surfaces the fingerprints are on and coming up with a systematic process to determine what fingerprint technique to use to process with and what methods to document and collect the fingerprint based on the given circumstances. Other topics include: chemical fingerprint processing, fluorescent fingerprint powders, fingerprinting difficult surfaces, alternate light sources and photographing fingerprints.
Fire Scene Documentation & Evidence Collection
Skill Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Crime Scene Investigation Level 1
Hours: 8
Description: This eight hour course is designed for Crime Scene Investigators and Fire Investigators who document and collect evidence at fire scenes. Processing fire scenes requires a different approach than other types of crime scenes. Special equipment and training is required to properly document, collect and preserve items of evidentiary value at these scenes. Topics include: photography challenges at a fire scene, sketches and diagrams, evidence collection methods specific to fire scenes, fire scene safety & PPE and fire scene processing equipment.
Crime Scenes & Evidence for Patrolman
Skill Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Hours: 4
Description: This four hour course is intended for patrolmen who do not hold a collateral duty of Crime Scene Investigator.
First responders can significantly affect an investigation both positively and negatively based on the actions they take when arriving on-scene. The goal of this course is to refresh crime scene and evidence related topics a patrolmen may or may not have learned in their basic training academy. It focuses on how to secured a crime scene, identify evidence in common areas in and around the scene, communicating information to Crime Scene Investigators and Detectives as well as reviewing basic evidence packaging and chain of custody techniques.
Shooting Reconstruction Level 1
Skill Level: Basic
Prerequisites: Crime Scene Investigation Level 1
Hours: 16 or 24
Description: This two or three day course details how to document, process and collect evidence from a shooting incident along with how to take that documentation and attempt to reconstruct estimated shooting angles, locations and sequences. During the course, students will test the accuracy of their equipment and their reconstruction skills. Topics include: photographs specific to a shooting scene, collection and packaging of evidence related to a shooting, documenting suspects and victims, gunshot residue tests, identifying bullet holes and strikes, diagramming a shooting scene, specific equipment used in shooting scene documentation, determining impact angles among other topics. Students will also complete multiple practical exercises culminating with creating a reconstruction diagram based on their observations and documentation.
Crash Investigation Photography
Skill Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None (CSI Level 1 Recommended)
Hours: 8
Description: There are a lot of things that need to be documented photographically at a crash scene. This 8 hour course focuses on how to manipulate the camera to take photographs of crash scenes effectively for later reconstruction and to be used in court. Topics include:camera settings review, how to photograph the roadway, how to photograph involved vehicles and their damage, photographing other evidence and people as well as how to take photographs at night with no roadway lighting.
Supervising a Crime Scene
Skill Level: Other
Prerequisites: None (CSI Level 1 Recommended)
Hours: 8
Description: This one day course is intended for supervisors who oversee Crime Scene Investigators.It will cover topics such as: personnel management, training, equipment, multiple crime scene management, officer involved shootings overview, resource management and what documentation should be generated by Crime Scene Investigators.This class will provide the student with several resources, forms and digital documents that help aid in managing a crime scene unit and crime scenes.
Forensic Task Force Administration
Skill Level: Other
Prerequisites: None (CSI Level 1 & 2 Recommended)
Hours: 8
Description: This course is intended for personnel who manage or supervise the forensic component of various major crimes task forces or public integrity units.This course will discuss setting up training programs for their members, what forms can be used to simplify documentation of the scene, how to track the progress/status of each part of a scene or multiple scenes, how to work with investigators to ensure important information is being passed both ways, task force equipment and how to organize the forensic unit to operate more efficiently.
Officer Involved Shootings
Skill Level: Other
Prerequisites: None (CSI Level 1 & 2 Recommended)
Hours: 8
Description: This course is intended for Crime Scene Investigators and supervisors who work officer involved shooting scenes as part of a task force or public integrity team. The course will discuss how processing these types of scenes differs from normal shooting scenes and how personnel should be managed.Management and supervision is the key to successfully processing this type of incident because they generally involve multiple scenes. The course also covers what to do with firearms, how to document involved officers correctly along with their equipment and vehicles, what tasks need to be completed at hospitals to include ambulances and other transport vehicles, what additional photographs need to be taken, how to pass information to investigators for followup interviews among other topics.
Other Training
Custom training courses can be created based on your agencies specific needs. Please contact us to discuss what specific training you are looking for.
© 2025 Rocky Mountain Forensics LLC